*This blog post is brought to you in partnership with California Fresh Carrot Advisory Board*
As one of the simplest, purest foods in this crazy over-stimulated world, Carrots are becoming a symbol for escape from the chaos. After research and study, The California Crunch, Crunch, Crunch Council found that in this chaotic world, nothing can help give us a break & snap into serenity better than the invigorating CRUNCH of a carrot. They call it “Crunching-Out!” This “Crunch Out” campaign is one I am truly excited about! As a carrot lover with a hippie soul – – I just love this simple idea that crunching carrots conquers chaos. In an over-stimulated, over-complicated, over-opinionated, over-innovated, over-hyped, instantly-gratifying culture – crunching into a carrot can take you to a place of calm.

As a busy mom always on the go – it is so nice to take time & reset by sinking my teeth into a healthy snack. Carrots are an excellent source of vitamin A, providing more than 200% of your daily requirement in just one carrot. Carrots are loaded with beta-carotene, a natural chemical that the body changes into vitamin A. Vitamin A is important for the health of our vision as well as our bones, teeth and skin.
Carrots are a must have on our grocery list & in many forms: baby carrots for snacking – whole carrots for roasting as a side dish – carrot juice – shredded carrots for salads – and more! With my family’s love of carrots and the passion behind the messaging of this campaign – I am so happy to announce that I am partnering with the California Crunch Crunch Crunch Council to bring you some incredible carrot content over the next couple of months! I’ll be sharing recipes and ways you can get involved & “crunch out!”

With spring in the air, today I am sharing one of my favorite, fresh ways to enjoy carrots as a side dish! This honey butter roasted carrot recipe is absolutely delicious with any meal & the perfect mix of sweet and savory! Roasting carrots in the oven caramelizes them making them sweet and tender!

What you need:
- 1 1/2 lbs Carrots
- 3 tbsp Honey
- 1/4 tsp Black pepper
- 1/4 tsp Kosher salt
- 4 tbsp Butter
- 1 tbsp Thyme, fresh or ground (fresh just gives a more beautiful look!)
What you do:
Preheat oven to 425 degrees farenheight. Peel carrots if desired and cut lengthwise. In a small pot heat and mix butter, thyme, and honey. Salt and pepper your carrots – then pour half of the butter mix over the carrots. Bake for 15-20 minutes, until tender. Drzzle with the remaining butter mixture and sprinkle with thyme. Enjoy!!

Take a break from chaos this week – crunch out on a carrot or hit the kitchen and unwind while making these Honey Butter Roasted Carrots! Stay tuned for more carrot content coming your way! Follow @crunchcouncil on Instagram & Facebook so you can get in on the Crunch Out movement!

Yum! These looks delish! I love carrots as a side dish. It’s funny, I hated cooked carrots as a child but would eat them raw on the daily. Now that I know how to make them a little crunchy on the stovetop, we eat them all the time!! This recipe with some Brussels too would be ???
These look so good!!!
This recipe blew my mind! I gave the hubs a bite and then inhaled the rest lol brussels would be a great addition to the carrots!!